We have had some exciting and informative trips and events in recent weeks.
We had our Careers Fair on 28th January which was attended by years 9, 11 and 6th Form. A number of local universities, colleges and employers attended to inform students of their choices moving forward.
On 3rd February, Y12 attended a Future Focus Day, where they met a variety of employers to talk about career opportunities with their companies.
On 4th February, Y9 visited Chester University to be introduced to what university is and to start thinking about aspirational career routes.
Please find attached some information which may be useful to you and your young people.
We are almost finished assigning Y10 to work experience placements. Those students who have not yet expressed an interest or sourced their own placement will be placed next week from the placement bank. While we will try and match them to a workplace of interest, this may not be possible at this late stage, but be assured that wherever they go they will develop employability skills which are key to their success in the future.
The Careers team will be attending year 10 parents' evening should you have any queries.