Royal Institution Youth Summit 2023 in partnership with STEM Learning at York University. Today, 10 of our Sixth Form students are attending this event based on The Truth About Artificial Intelligence presented by Mike Wooldridge.
The day will contain keynote speeches from AI experts. Then students will spend the bulk of the day working together, discussing the issues raised and finally coming together to present their ideas to the group as a whole. The aim of the Youth Summit was to gather young people’s opinions, concerns and interests about AI.
Faraday Challenge - 18th October - Year 8
We are passionate about giving students new and exciting opportunities to engage in STEM subjects. A strong UK economy relies on great engineering output, and it is crucial to get the engineers of the future interested at an early age. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) run the IET Faraday® Challenge Days as part of the IET’s commitment to show young people the benefits of careers within science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). They are in school on 18th October and will be working with some of our Year 8s competing in the Faraday Challenge.