We have a number of events coming up, please see below for details.
2nd October - Wirral Met T levels information session for Y9&10 in PSHE lesson.
3rd or 10th October - The Martin Gallier Project - Suicide prevention awareness for all year groups.
17th October - UK University & Apprenticeship Fair for 6th Form.
17th October - Aldi Employability Workshop for Y9.
Pupils need to express an interest with their form tutor or Mrs Rycroft. There will be a pre-event session.
Pilgrim Foods Visit for Y9 – date TBC.
Pupils must apply using this Google form. Places are limited.
7th November - NFU Careers Session for Y8&10 in PSHE lesson.
Pupils need to express an interest with their form tutor or Mrs Rycroft. There will be a pre-event session.
7th November - Wirral Skills Show at The Hive for Y10. A morning or afternoon slot will be allocated and interested pupils should complete this Google form.
13th to 15th November - Bikeability for Y7 and any 8s and 9s who have missed the opportunity.
Places are still available, to register parents must complete the online consent form.
If you need support with this, please contact Mrs Rycroft. Bikes and helmets are essential, but can be borrowed if we know in advance.