As a department we seek to maximise the potential of all boys in our subject, whilst at the same time developing in them a lasting love of the study of the past. We want our students to consider the different ideas, events and individuals that have shaped our society to this point.
History continues to be a very popular subject in the school. As a department we take pride in the fact that a number of our students have chosen to further their study of the subject onto degree level and beyond.
History is a rewarding study, informative and interesting, it helps develop a range of useful skills which can be transferred to a host of university courses or employment opportunities.
A history student will develop the following skills through their study.
- Research skills
- Communication + writing skills
- How to construct an argument
- Problem-solving
- Organisational skills
- Enquiry
- Critical analysis
A qualification in History can be useful in opening you up to a wide range of opportunities both in terms of careers and further study.
- Law
- Journalism
- Broadcasting
- Civil Service
- Teaching
- Police
- Publishing
- Management
We aim to:
- Encourage children of all ages to learn about the past
- Help children to develop an understanding of their own country and also the history of other nations and people
Our students have the opportunity to study a diverse range of topic areas taken from different eras and parts of the world. At Key Stage 3 we consider how Britain and the wider world developed between 1066 + 2001. Those who opt at GCSE will look at the modern history of Germany + USA, the development of Crime and Punishment and the Elizabethan Age whilst at A Level we look at the Crusades, The Development of Warfare and Modern Britain, 1951 - 1997.
The Department organises many trips and excursions, both at home and abroad. We have provided our students with the opportunity to visit the following historic places on residential trips.
- Krakow + Auschwitz
- Rome + Pompeii
- Berlin
- WWI Battlefields of France + Belgium
- WWII Normandy Landing Beaches
- Agincourt
- Waterloo
- London
- York
Day trips have seen our students visit Warwick Castle, Speke Hall, Imperial War Museum-Manchester, International Slavery Museum.