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A musical interlude

I'll have a "P" Bob!  was once the call in the famous Blockbusters quiz show but the music industry has taken it large with 3 P’s as the  3 pillars for successful careers in the industry. Perform, Produce, and Promote the gateway to fulfilment and happiness in the music industry but not without a load of graft, unhealthy meals and many late nights. And so Mosslands students were introduced to “musical careers” and enjoyed an inspiring and interactive day at Sound City kindly hosted by Wirral Metropolitan College.  Students sat in on panel discussions were industry experts regaled the audience with a potted history of their journeys.

The panel was hosted by local radio DJ – Shell Zenner and included now seasoned performers including  Amy Woodall – Guitarist of the band Crawlers – creators of the hit single ‘Come on Over’ which went viral on TikTok in 2021, as well as, Alex Spencer, a “football supporting” singer-songwriter from Manchester with many miles under his belt and an established large social media following.  The students then took part in interactive workshops, which included learning how to put on their gig, and how to deconstruct a song into its separate tracks using Logic Pro. This was also further complimented by the students being allowed to experience a club set of DJ decks under the guidance of a professional DJ which was a viral activity finally to finish the day the students also had an interactive workshop on the craft of song writing.  A positive day was had by all and so now all that’s left is for our students to take centre stage – either in front or behind the mic!