Attendance Update
We wish to inform you of significant changes to our use of the automated Truancy Call System. this call will be activated at 9.30 am and will be informed by student marks in morning registration and any late marks from the main office.
Students should be on the school site at 8.40 am and in their form room for registration by 8.45 am. Students who arrive between 8.45 am and 9.00 am should sign in at the main office and go straight to their form room. Students arriving after 9.00 am must sign in at the main office and go straight to their first lesson. Failure to follow this procedure will mean that the student is not registered, and a truancy call will be sent.
These changes were made to enhance our safeguarding procedures, and I trust that as parents/carers you will support the school and discuss their importance with your son.