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School News

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  • Christmas Santa Dash & Hamper Appeal 2023

    Published 08/12/23

    Our amazing Sixth-formers, in combination with NCS, are running a Santa Dash and creating Christmas hampers to support the local community. Please find all the details below of how you can support our students!

    How to support students:

    • Fundraising for Wirral Arc and the annual Christmas hamper appeal.
    • All students are requested to donate £1 or a Christmas food item from the list below.
    • If you would like to donate online, please donate here:
    • Sixth-formers will be selling Santa Hats for £1 to raise funds for Wirral Ark. Students are encouraged to have their donations ready.
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  • Student Council Meeting - Nov 2023

    Published 01/12/23

    Representatives from every tutor group across the House System met this week with senior pastoral leaders to discuss school events and any recent changes. They also helped to make some decisions about how the school is run, as well as suggesting new projects that support pupils’ learning and development. After this meeting, they then let the rest of the school know about any news that came from the discussions.

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  • Year 11 Colours Celebration - 2023

    Published 24/11/23

    63 of our Year 11 students were recognised for their contributions to the school from years 7 - 11.  The students were invited to attend with their families.

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  • A Football Star! - Jack Loughran

    Published 17/11/23

    A recent student has made us remarkably proud!

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  • COMPETITION TIME - Christmas Cards 2023

    Published 15/11/23

    We are proud to announce that we are holding another brilliant art competition! This time we would love it if you could design an incredible-looking Christmas card. 

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  • Ski Trip to Austria March 2025

    Published 09/11/23

    The school is running a ski trip to Salzburger Sportwelt, Austria in March 2025. A school ski trip is an exciting, challenging and ‘magical’ experience that will inspire students for the rest of their lives. A ski trip also offers plenty of opportunity for personal development, encouraging students to try something new and to explore and develop new skills which can help them to become more independent, responsible and resilient.

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  • Debate Mate!

    Published 08/11/23

    As we discover new and fascinating ways to use AI, the human voice is often overlooked. Debate Mate allows students' voices to be heard. Students at The Mosslands School traveled to the launch event in Liverpool, conducting themselves fantastically on public transport and demonstrating their maturity throughout the day.

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  • IET Faraday Challenge

    Published 06/11/23

    IET Faraday Challenge Days allow students to research, design, and make prototype solutions to real-life engineering problems. The challenge enables students to experience working as an engineer for a day. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) runs the IET Faraday® Challenge Days as part of IET’s commitment to showing young people the benefits of careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

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  • The Truth about AI

    Published 01/11/23

    Even after a dark early morning start of 06.30, our 6th form Computer Science students were unanimous in their praise for the workshops and lectures they attended at The Royal Institution Youth Summit 2023 working in partnership with STEM Learning at York University – The Truth about AI.

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  • National Manufacturing Day

    Published 04/10/23
    National Manufacturing Day Putting students in the driving seat! As part of National Manufacturing Day, Mosslands students literally  got the chance to be in the driving seat!   Sat behind the controls of a prototype autonomous t
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  • Attendance Update

    Published 10/07/23
    Attendance at Mosslands We wish to inform you of significant changes to our use of the automated Truancy Call System. As of Monday 10h July, this call will be activated at 9.30am in the morning and will be informed by student marks in morning regi
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  • Industrial Action - School opening details

    Published 03/07/23

    School Opening plans - Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July

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