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Authorised and Unauthorised Absence.

Every school, by law, has to register pupils twice a day; first thing in the morning at the start of the school day, and again in the afternoon session. If a pupil fails to attend or arrives late (i.e. after registers have closed) they can be marked as an absence for that session.

If a pupil of compulsory school age is absent, the register must show whether the absence was authorised or unauthorised. Only the school can approve the reason for absence.

Authorised Absence

Where a pupil is absent due to sickness and is genuinely unable to attend school, then the school, after being informed and some form of medical evidence provided, will authorise a child's absence.

It is important that you phone the school attendance line (0151 638 8131, 0ption 1) if your child is going to be absent at the start of the day. You will receive an automated truancy call if you do not inform us as it is our duty to ensure your child is safe. This will continue to call you up until 8.00pm or until you respond. If we cannot make contact with you, then you may receive a home visit from a member of staff.

In law, only the Head teacher can authorise a pupil's absence and as part of our efforts to improve school attendance we will require additional medical evidence in order to authorise, absence.  This does not need to be a note from your GP but could be a phone screenshot showing any calls made to your doctor’s practice, a copy of an e-consult, a letter, appointment card or even a copy of a prescription. These can be e-mailed for the attention of the attendance office. Attendance below 95% is a cause for concern. 

Unauthorised Absence

The law states it is a parent’s or carer’s legal responsibility to ensure that their child regularly attends the school where they are registered. Should your child fail to attend school regularly, legal action may be taken against you as a parent/carer. As a school, we aim to support parents and will, in the first instance, invite you in for an attendance meeting if your child has had 5 unauthorised absences.

Under the terms of the education related provisions of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act, each parent/carer(s) may be issued with a Penalty Notice of £60 if:

  • You fail to ensure that your child attends school regularly.
  • You allow your child to take leave of absence in term time.  The school does not authorise holidays in term time.
  • Your child persistently arrives late for school after the register is closed.

There are 38 weeks in the year when school is open and 14 weeks (175 DAYS) when families can visit family overseas; go on holiday; travel or attend non-urgent medical appointments. So, before you ask for leave of absence, please consider… Is your request for leave of absence exceptional?