“This above all: to thine ownself be true,
And it will follow as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man”.
William Shakespeare
Here at Mosslands literature is our passion and is at the heart of our curriculum. It is our aim to promote and foster a life -long love for literature and readers for life. Our team of English specialists will encourage, nurture and equip you with the necessary language skills to be a successful participant in life beyond school.
So, come on a journey with us through the corridors of Dunsinane, the battlefields of the Somme and to the streets of Medellin… (Miss Adley - Subject Lead)
English Key Stage 3
Pupils in Key Stage 3 will cover a number of units over the academic year. Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of English through the study of language and literature in various forms including the study of prose, poetry and non -fiction. Pupils will also develop their ability to express themselves in the written form and also orally in speaking and listening activities. They will develop their written accuracy by focusing on grammar, punctuation and spelling. Pupils will strive towards high standards of academic achievement in this core curriculum subject.
Pupils can access an extensive range of literature in the school library to supplement their study of English. The English classrooms are equipped with a computer and an interactive whiteboard. There is also additional ICT available in a designated computer room.
Extra – Curricular
At Mosslands we aim to provide opportunities for students to write for real audiences and purposes. Students have successfully entered competitions and many of our students are published writers with ‘Young Writers’. To commemorate the First World War students participated in a creative writing competition in association with Liverpool John Moores University with the Merseyside at War project and two students achieved awards from the prestigious Roscoe Lectures presented by children’s author Michael Morpurgo. Additionally pupils have had the opportunity to meet visiting authors in order to inspire a love of literature. When opportunities allow we also encourage pupils to watch live theatre by taking students to see productions across Merseyside.