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Ruskin House

Welcome to Ruskin House

A determination to excel and be the best that they can be is a strong theme that is the bedrock of everything Ruskin House stands for Honesty, determination, courtesy and effort are also qualities that I hope to foster within Ruskin students.

John Ruskin was a Victorian artist, poet, critic, social revolutionary and conservationist. Just think of a modern day Anita Roddick or Ray Mears.


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Mr. Hepworth: Head of Ruskin House


I am passionately committed to helping the boys to be the best that they can be. Underpinning the approach to Pastoral Care is a sense of paternalism. In other words, “What would I do if it was my son” ?

Mosslands has a long-standing and proud tradition of pastoral excellence and Ruskin has always been a key part of this system. Ruskin House has an outstanding team of Form Tutors and pastoral house staff, who are here to help support your son throughout the year. We are all committed to ensuring that your son enjoys his time at Mosslands in a safe and caring environment.

I take no greater pleasure than in seeing all Ruskin boys fulfil their potential in the classroom, develop as active citizens and compete and perform in House competitions ranging from sport to cookery to quizzes. I encourage my Ruskin boys to help raise money for charities to develop their understanding of the issues and challenges which face them in the modern world.

I am extremely proud to lead Ruskin House and have over 25 years of pastoral experience. I still feel honoured welcoming your sons in Year 7 and watching them grow and leave as fine young adults. These young men encapsulate all that is positive about Ruskin House and the Mosslands School.

I can be contacted during school hours on 0151 638 8131, ext 117
 Or by email at
I will endeavour to respond to any concerns within a 24hr period.