A Message from Mr. Whiteley
As we approach the end of the first half-term, I would like once again to thank you for all your support, particularly with regard to the removal of phones during the school day. The boys have responded wonderfully to this challenge and there has been a significant improvement in their engagement and concentration in lessons.
Attendance continues to be a key focus for us, and although we are 3% above where we were last year, we are still behind our pre-COVID attendance rates. Please could you help us with ensuring that the boys attend as much as possible? A reminder that no holidays will be authorised during term time and evidence must be provided for all medical appointments.
For parents of Year 11 and 13 students, I should remind you that their mock examinations start on the first day back, Monday 4th November. These examinations are an important staging point in the examination sequence and must be taken as seriously as final exams. The results from these exams are a formal record of achievement to date and are used if we need to challenge final examination results.
Congratulations to the parents of our new Y7s, they have settled in really well and are making really promising progress.
Enjoy a safe and restful half-term holiday. We look forward to seeing students back at school on Monday 4th November.