A Message from Mr Whiteley
I am sure that by now, you will be familiar and comfortable with our phone-free school system. The impact of which is that the school is now a safer, calmer place. We have not only eliminated the use of phones (which have exposed our children to a great deal of harm and eroded self-confidence in previous years), we have also eliminated the fear of students bringing other things into school that pose a threat to young people all across the UK and are a constant worry to parents.
The response from staff and pupils has been very positive, many of whom welcome the chance to have a chat and to start the day on a positive note. The response from the overwhelming majority of parents has been equally positive, and I thank you for your continued support.
Now that the system is working efficiently, please help by ensuring that pupils are in school before 08.40, so that they have time to get to registration for 08.45. Under the new government guidelines, lateness now contributes to absence figures, so it is important that all students are through the doors for 08.45. To assist with this and to prevent a last-minute rush, please remember that the canteen is open for breakfast at 08.10 and school doors open from 08.15 giving half an hour of entry time.
In order that we can contact you and keep you up to date with your son’s progress at school, please ensure that you are registered with Bromcom MCAS (My Child at School). This is the portal that allows parents to access information about their child's school performance, behaviour, timetable and homework. Parents can use MCAS through a web browser or as an app for Android and iOS. For those who have not activated their account, we will be sending out a password reset email on Friday 27th September. Please note that the link to change your password will expire within 24 hours. If you need us to send the link again, you can email admin@mosslands.wirral.sch.uk. Alternatively, you may use the email address that we hold as your contact details to sign-up by using the link below and selecting Sign Up. It is possible for all parents/carers who are listed as having parental responsibility to use the email address that we have recorded, to sign-up for themselves. If we do not have your email on our system, please contact us and we will make the necessary arrangements. If you have already activated your account, you can access it, either via the app or by visiting; https://www.mychildatschool.com/MCAS/MCSParentLogin.
Finally, I would like to congratulate the 40 students who went to Salford to watch War Horse yesterday. Not only did they get to experience a wonderful production of a heart-warming story, their conduct on the journey and in the theatre was exemplary, so much so that we have received thanks from members of the audience.
A really positive start to the school year.