We are delighted to announce that The Mosslands School has recently invested in GCSEPod, the award-winning digital content and revision provider used by over 1,250 schools worldwide.
As a subscriber, your child now has access to GCSEPod’s library of over 6,000 ‘pods,’ 3-5 minute videos designed to deliver knowledge in short bursts. GCSEPod makes learning and revision much more manageable: every pod is mapped to an exam board, and contains all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams that your child needs for GCSE success – all neatly organised into topics and exam playlists.
One of the best things about GCSEPod is that you can download any pod to your child’s mobile device, and then they can watch them at any time, in any place, with or without internet. It’s like they’re carrying a whole set of textbooks in their pocket! Make sure you download the GCSEPod app from the App Store (Apple and Android are supported) to access this feature.
Activating the Account
Your child has already been registered with GCSEPod and may have already activated their account within their ICT lesson.
If they haven’t activated their account yet, they can do so by following the instructions below. If your child has already activated but can’t remember their username and password, please ask them to contact a member of staff who teaches them ICT.
- Go to www.gcsepod.com and click “Login” in the top right-hand corner
- Click “New to GCSEPod? Get started.”
- Select “Student”
- Enter your child’s name, date of birth and the school name (The Mosslands School)
- Create a username – this should be the name they log into the school network with e.g. 15JonesM
- Create a password, and a password hint to help them remember the password.
If you have any questions regarding GCSEPod, please contact ictsupport@mosslands.wirral.sch.uk