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Head's Statement

Welcome to Mosslands School 

Our ambition is to nurture the potential of all our learners so that first and foremost, they become outstanding young men, guided by our core values of "Care, Commitment, and Challenge."
We want our students to be prepared to contribute meaningfully to an inclusive, technologically advanced society and we work tirelessly to provide them with an education that will achieve this goal. We do not limit our learning experiences to the classroom, we encourage all of our learners to engage in the range of activities, trips and visits that we offer inside and beyond the classroom, and see this as an integral part of our offer.
Our curriculum seeks to develop the qualities that parents, employers and higher education providers want our learners to have; the ability to work as part of a team, the ability to show respect for others and importance of self-respect, the opportunity to develop and achieve healthy ambitions, the importance of being part of a community and, of course, having the knowledge and qualifications needed to underpin a successful career.

Mr. A. Whiteley

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