Uniform Donations
24 February 2021
Dear Parent/Carer
School Uniform Donations
As you will be aware, the government has made getting children back to school in March a priority. Due to the economic turmoil, we recognise that many families may now find it harder than ever to cover the considerable cost of replacing school uniform items that may have been lost or outgrown during the period of lockdown.
In an effort to assist, but more importantly to ensure that students are as fully prepared as they can be for the return to school, we would like to encourage families from The Mosslands School community to donate items of uniform they no longer need. As a school, we want to support any family that is struggling to pay for uniform. Quite often, a perfectly good uniform could go to landfill because it no longer fits. As an alternative, we would like to appeal to parents to donate what they don’t need to help someone else.
Unwanted uniform items can be dropped off at the dedicated donation point within the main reception area of school between the hours of 8.30am – 4.00pm each day. Items will then be washed and ironed and available for those families who may need them. In a small number of circumstances, we may be able to collect donations from local households, but this would have to be discussed and agreed in advance. For such situations, please contact school to speak with a member of the senior leadership team.
If you would like to have items of donated uniform, please contact your son’s house office in complete confidence.
If you are visiting school, please remember to respect social distancing measures when donating uniform.
Yours faithfully
Mrs C Danher
Assistant Headteacher