Summer Exams Dates 2022
Summer Exams Dates 2022 -
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8 February 2022
Summer 2022 Exams Contingency Day – Wednesday 29th June 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to make sure you are aware that a national contingency day for all exams has been set for the summer 2022 exams.
A ‘contingency day’ within the common examination timetable is in the event of national or local disruption to examinations in the United Kingdom. It is part of the awarding bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations.
The Joint Council for Qualifications have decided that they need the option to postpone an exam in the event of an incident and rearrange for a later date, to allow all students a fair and equal chance.
The date that has been set aside as the contingency day is Wednesday 29th June 2022. We are unable to predict whether or not students will be required to sit an exam on this date, however, it is clear that this date will be used should any exam need to be rearranged by any of the national exam boards.
Exam dates for the summer are available on the Mosslands School website. Students will receive their individual exam timetables in the spring term. The contingency exam date which has been arranged by the exam boards will not show on student's individual timetables, but does apply to all students. Students must be available to sit an exam on and up to this date should the need arise.
If you have any queries regarding this please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Sawtell/Mr Dale, the Exams Officers, at the school.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Sanford
Deputy Headteacher