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Publication of Results – A Levels

13 July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

RE: Publication of Results – A Levels

Following Ofqual’s latest guidance on results, I am now in a position to explain our process for Results Day and how the day will work.

Results day for Year 13 will take place on Thursday 13th August, 2020.

The decision has been taken that all results (including modular results for vocational courses) will be emailed to parents and students on the morning of Thursday 13th August.  Members of the Sixth Form Team will be making contact to confirm email address information in the next few days.  If you have not heard by Thursday 16th July you can contact me via email to confirm this information –   In addition, any student who is awaiting GCSE re-sit results, these will be emailed to parents and students on the morning of Thursday 20th August 2020.

If your son/ward has a particular desire to collect his results in person he will be invited to school at a specific time.  Please note that he must collect these results individually and not with friends or family members to minimise any potential health risks.  Once he has received his results he must leave site immediately.  There will be very few staff on site to answer any questions that he may have.  Instead, contact can be made in the days after and further appointments can be offered if required.

For students who have applied to university:

On the day, once your son/ward has collected or received his results, if he has applied to university he will need to accept any offer that he has had.  If he does not receive any offers or does not achieve the grades required, he can opt to enter “clearing” and details can be found on the UCAS website:

Clearing is a system that allows students to search for courses that they would be eligible for with the grades that they have received.  Students must be prepared to research these courses and make contact with the Admissions Team of the universities that have places.  I am not authorised to contact universities on a student’s behalf.

Careers Advice:

If your son/ward does not receive an offer of a university place or needs advice/guidance about his next steps he will need to contact Elish Crilly, Careers Adviser or myself to discuss his options.  Contact details for Elish Crilly are as follows:

Mobile - 07891830000

Email -

In relation to grades awarded, the following information has been published by Ofqual

  1. The Mosslands School are unable to discuss the centre assessed marks with candidates or parents/carers prior to or following the release of the final examination grades.
  2. The Mosslands School are unable to discuss the ranked position of any candidate at anytime in accordance with Ofqual’s guidance and ambition to ensure that the information should remain confidential, so as to protect the integrity of the process and enhance the reliability of the data.
  3. As is already the case with centre awarded assessment, in the rare cases where a student considers centre assessment grades or rank order information was demonstrably affected by bias, the student could provide evidence to the centre and then this could be investigated.
  4. Similarly, evidence of bias could be presented to the exam board who would then investigate the matter as alleged malpractice. Ofqual’s existing conditions allow an exam board to correct results where it concludes that these are incorrect as a result of malpractice or maladministration.
  5. A Centre can appeal on a candidate’s behalf on the grounds that an administrative mistake was made in the submission of grades to the board. However, Ofqual have put in place a declaration made by the Head of Centre to confirm that an administrative error check has been undertaken prior to submission to reduce the likelihood of this happening.
  6. A student who, on receipt of their results, believes the centre must have made an administrative mistake when submitting their centre assessment grade and/or rank order position to the exam board, should ask the Exams Officer to review whether they had made a mistake, including when they submitted data on their behalf to the exam board.
  7. Beyond these two circumstance (bias or error of submission), Ofqual have stated that there will not be an opportunity for students to challenge their centre assessed grade or their position in the centre’s rank as there is no common benchmark or standard against which those judgements could be evaluated by a reviewer or appeal decision maker.
  8. All students will have the opportunity to access an Autumn Term Examination series should they so wish.

If your son/ward would like to be entered for the Autumn Exam series after receiving his results he should email with details of his candidate number and the subjects that he is hoping to take the examination for.

I am are sorry I am unable to offer face-to-face meetings for the majority on the day but I will be able to accommodate meetings with those who need them in the days that follow.  Please do not hesitate to contact me at any point if you have any further questions.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs C Danher

Assistant Headteacher – Sixth Form