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“Explore the Opportunities” Careers Day

Last week our Year 8 pupils took part in our first “Explore the Opportunities” Careers Day. Our dedicated, independent careers adviser, Anja Koermer, invited a variety of professionals from industry, higher education and careers professionals to deliver sessions for all our Year 8 pupils. Pupils had the chance to explore careers within Higher Education research and Tunnel Engineering, they learned about the predicted growth sectors on Merseyside, opportunities higher education study can open to them and also developed key employability skills in Drama and Coding workshops.

If your son has been inspired by the day and would like to talk about his career ideas, please do not hesitate to contact school and arrange a careers meeting with Anja for him. 



Anja Koermer


Career Connect Careers Adviser  


The Mosslands School

Mosslands Drive



CH45 8PJ


Mobile: 07989 251 787

School: 0151 638 8131