One to One Tuition Success
34 Year 7 students have been taking part in the One to One Tuition programme, a scheme designed to improve the Literacy skills of Mosslands students
Over the past half term, 34 students in Year 7 have been taking part in the One to One Tuition programme, a scheme designed to improve the Literacy skills of Mosslands students. Students have been attending extra tutiion sessions after school on a Monday and Thursday evening with their own personal tutor. In many cases the tutors were existing members of staff much as Mrs Coats and Mr Potts, but there there also a number of our former teachers including Mr Lovely and Mr McKinnon. The boys displayed a good attitude throughout the sessions even though they may have been tired out after a long day at school! As the programme was drawing to a close, students were given a spelling and reading test to see who had improved the most. Congratulations must go to Alex Lloyd, the most improved reader, and his tutor Mr Hellier and also to Joseph Smith, the most improved speller and his tutor Mr Potter.